Are you a young person interested in engaging with your peers more deeply and empowering them to take action and create meaningful change around a number of issues? Great—we hope you’ll consider volunteering with us. Typical volunteer opportunities include:
- Texting young people with more information on ways to get involved, events, and important dates
- Registering young people to vote
- Entering data into our database so we can more effectively reach the people we’ve spoken to in the past
- Designing print materials to send to young people to educate them on the issues
- Whatever you want!
We’re always looking for new ways to get young people involved in our work and join our community, so if you’re interested in volunteering with us, we’re interested in finding a way for you to do that. Please fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. (Looking to do something more immediate? Email us at and we’ll see what we can work out.)