marching protesters


Minnesota Youth Collective is a 501(c)(4) organization powered by young people to build a more representative and progressive state for all Minnesotans. We empower the next generation of leaders to take our rightful seat at the decision-making table, elect people who reflect our values, and shape legislation to better the lives of Minnesotans.

We do this by:

  • Supporting and investing in the leadership of young people from underrepresented communities—communities of color, native communities, LGBTQIA2S+ folks, women, and working-class people.
  • Centering young voices and stories around issues that matter to us, and driving real change around these issues.
  • Giving young people opportunities to exercise their political power at every level of government, from working to make local schools more equitable all the way up to holding our representatives in Congress accountable.
  • Making voting more accessible for young people—from registering them to vote to giving them the tools to get their friends out to vote.
  • Weaving art, music, and culture into democracy to make it more approachable and more awesome!

Available Positions

Board Member, 501(c)3 and 501(c)4

Position Overview

The Board of Directors is the policy making body of the organization. To effectively meet the organization’s challenges, the Board and the Executive Director must function together as a leadership team. We are looking for board members who care about their communities, and want to ensure young people have access to political power in all its forms. 


  • Actively support and promote our mission
  • Commit to an initial two-year term
  • Attend at least 75% of all regularly scheduled monthly Board meetings annually.  
  • Read and review Board materials and actively participate in discussions. 
  • Understand, accept, and promise to discharge Board member fiduciary responsibilities; study financial reports, and be knowledgeable about the organization’s financial status and Board policies surrounding financial matters. 
  • In partnership with fellow Board members and management, help advance the organization’s Development Plan. 
  • Recruit at least 1-2 new monthly donors per quarter, with a minimum monthly donation per donor of $10.
  • Make annual financial contribution(s) to the organization commensurate with personal ability to contribute.
  • Participate in 75% of large-scale organizational events per year– examples include fundraisers, forums, and significant programmatic events.
  • Abstain from any action that might lead to or be perceived as a conflict of interest, and annually sign a No Conflict of Interest Statement.
  • Support and mentor organizational staff.Logistics


  • A commitment to social justice, anti-oppression, and undoing institutional racism, as well as prioritizing the leadership of young people at all times
  • Previous board experience is not required, but a familiarity with community or political organizing is helpful
  • Knowledge of and influence in the community, whatever that means to you
  • Creative and flexible
  • Willing and able to engage in discussion while prioritizing the mission and vision of the organization
  • Comfortable engaging with people from diverse backgrounds and those you don’t know


Send a one page (or less) letter of Interest via PDF to Rahhel Haile, Executive Director, at jobs@mnyouthcollective.org. Please include “MNYC Board” in your subject line. This position is open when filled, but qualified applicants should expect a brief 30-minute phone call with our ED to discuss the position. of color, women, LGBTQ individuals, and those who are unemployed or underemployed to apply.

2025 Campus Organizer – UMN

Organization Overview 

The Minnesota Youth Collective is an organization powered by young people to build a more representative and progressive state for all Minnesotans. We empower the next generation of leaders to take our rightful seat at the decision-making table, elect people who reflect our values, and shape legislation to better the lives of Minnesotans. 

We do this by:

  • Supporting and investing in the leadership of young people from underrepresented communities—communities of color, native communities, LGBTQ* folks, women, and working-class people. 
  • Centering young voices and stories around issues that matter to us and driving real change around these issues. 
  • Giving young people opportunities to exercise their political power at every level of government, from working to make local schools more equitable all the way up to holding our representatives in Congress accountable. 
  • Making voting more accessible for young people—from registering them to vote to giving them the tools to get their friends out to vote. 
  • Weaving art, music, and culture into democracy to make it more approachable and more awesome! 

Position Overview

As a Campus Organizer, you will organize with students around issues that affect your campus community and base-build to expand MNYC’s reach. You will work with other MNYC organizers to plan and host events around on-campus issues. This position also has a leadership development focus and you will participate in significant training throughout your time at MNYC.

  • Pay is $22/hr and Campus Organizers will work 15 hours/week
  • The Spring 2025 Campus Organizing Program will run from Feb 8, 2025, to May 16, 2025.
  • Campus Organizers (who are continuing their undergraduate education) will have the opportunity to return as Campus Organizers in fall 2025, depending on funding.

The ideal candidate for this position does not need to have previous organizing experience but does need to be an undergraduate student at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. This is a great opportunity to learn the power of youth civic engagement and build community with other young people who are interested in movement work.

Tasks & Responsibilities (including but not limited to)

Campus Base-building (40%)
  • Build MNYC’s base of civically engaged students by organizing with students around issues that affect your campus community
  • Develop relationships with other student organizers and work across campus groups to create coalitions
  • Recruit and manage volunteers, fostering their leadership every step of the way
  • If applicable, help run student group meetings on your campus
  • Use data tracking and reporting systems to report to MNYC’s organizing team on a regular basis
Issue Advocacy (40%)
  • Survey students about the issues that matter most to them
  • Plan and host two events to engage students in impacting on-campus issues
  • Analyze simple data and research local issues, organizing strategies, and the history of your campus
  • Host voter registration drives on campus during election season
Leadership Development (20%)
  • Participate in trainings facilitated by MNYC staff and other local organizers on all things organizing
  • Participate in weekly check-ins with MNYC campus organizers and staff

Skills & Experience

If you don’t have every one of these, please still apply!
  • A commitment to social justice, anti-oppression, and undoing institutional racism
  • A self-starter, comfortable with taking initiative and ownership over projects
  • Ability to multitask, and know when to ask for help
  • Creative and flexible, able to think outside the box and react to situations quickly
  • Comfortable engaging with people from diverse backgrounds & those you don’t know 
  • Strong time management skills, or the willingness to learn those skills
  • Willing to work irregular hours when necessary

Details & Hiring Timeline

Submit a resume, responses to short answer questions, and two references at bit.ly/mnyccampusorganizer by January 20, 2025. Qualified applicants will be contacted the week of January 20, 2025 to schedule an interview. Our goal is to make an offer by January 31, 2025 with an expected start date of February 8, 2025.

This is a temporary, part-time, union-eligible position with varied evening and weekend requirements. Depending on funding, Campus Organizers will have the opportunity to continue in future school terms. This position reports directly to the Campus Manager. Email any questions to jobs@mnyouthcollective.org.

Minnesota Youth Collective is deeply committed to social, racial, gender, and economic justice. We strongly encourage persons of color, women, LGBTQ individuals, and those who are unemployed or underemployed to apply.